CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), the flagship Laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), is “National Measurement Institute” (NMI) of India by the act of Parliament. CSIR-NPL is the custodian of “National Standards” with a responsibility of realization, establishment, up-gradation, maintenance and dissemination of standards at par to the international level through research and development (R&D) and latest technologies. CSIR-NPL, provides wide range of metrological services, namely primary/national measurement standards, accurate and precise Indian Standards Time (IST), Indian reference Materials (BND®), transfer of technologies, consultancy services, sponsored R&D projects, and skill development on metrology, contributing towards knowledge creation for the overall growth of the nation. The beneficiaries of these services include government ministries, regulatory bodies, public sector undertakings, private industries, MSMEs, strategic sectors, S&T organizations and others. CSIR-NPL is serving the Indian industry, academia and strategic sectors to excel in their endeavours by providing APEX level testing &calibration and related R&D.